微波测试附件 安捷伦微波测试附件
产品名称: 衰减器8490G
产品简介: 8490G 同轴电缆固定衰减器,DC至67 GHz
产品名称: 衰减器84904L
产品简介: 84904L Programmable Step Attenuator, DC to 40 GHz, 0 to 11 dB, 1 dB steps
产品名称: 衰减器8497K
产品简介: 8497K Programmable Step Attenuator, DC to 26.5 GHz, 0 to 90 dB, 10 dB steps
产品名称: 衰减器8495D
产品简介: 8495D Manual Step Attenuator, DC to 26.5 GHz, 0 to 70 dB, 10 dB steps
产品名称: 衰减器8493C
产品简介: 8493C Coaxial Fixed Attenuator, DC to 26.5 GHz
产品名称: 衰减器8495H
产品简介: 8495H Programmable Step Attenuator, DC to 18 GHz, 0 to 70 dB, 10 dB steps
产品名称: 衰减器8495B
产品简介: 8495B Manual Step Attenuator, DC to 18 GHz; 0 to 70 dB; 10 dB steps
产品名称: 衰减器8491A
产品简介: 8491A Coaxial Fixed Attenuator, DC to 12.4 GHz
产品名称: 衰减器8494G
产品简介: 8494G Programmable Step Attenuator, DC to 4 GHz, 0 to 11 dB, 1 dB steps
产品名称: 衰减器8494A
产品简介: 8494A Manual Step Attenuator, DC to 4 GHz, 0 to 11 dB, 1 dB steps
产品名称: 开关驱动器11713C
产品简介: 11713C LXI-Compliant Attenuator/Switch Driver
产品名称: 开关驱动器11713B
产品简介: 11713B Attenuator/Switch Driver
产品名称: 衰减器控制单元J7211C
产品简介: J7211C Attenuation Control Unit, DC to 26.5 GHz, 0 to 101 dB, 1 dB step
产品名称: 衰减器控制单元J7211B
产品简介: J7211B Attenuation Control Unit, DC to 18 GHz, 0 to 121 dB, 1 dB steps
产品名称: 衰减器控制单元J7211A
产品简介: J7211A Attenuation Control Unit, DC to 6 GHz, 0 to 121 dB, 1 dB step
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